"Once we have attained a certain age we find no other
support or consolation than in religion.
(Rewald, J., 1950)
"I am helpless and can
render you no service, but as I shall die before you (Emile Zola) I shall
intercede before the Almighty for a good place for you.”
(Mack, 1935, 281)
“Let me repeat what I told
you here: you must see in nature the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, all put
into perspective, so that every side of the object, of a plane, recedes to a
central point. The parallel lines at the horizon give the extension, that is a
section of nature, or, if you prefer, of the spectacle which the Omnipotent
Eternal God and Father spreads before our eyes.”
(Ibid., 377-378)